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Vantage Point's New Year's Resolutions

In December, the team and I reflected on the year passed and captured our key stats. We are extremely proud of the impact we were able to make in 2024 and are determined to build upon our success. Now that 2025 has arrived we can't wait for the business to go from strength to strength.

Goal-setting is one of our favourite ways to ensure we keep aiming for better

Goal 1

In 2024, we were proud to publish a gender pay gap of –2.47%, reflecting our commitment to equitable and transparent pay
practices. Pay equity remains a cornerstone of our values. Our Elevate Programme financially empowers talented and deserving people, often from underrepresented groups. For 2025, we are determined to sustain this commitment by ensuring equal pay across
both gender and race.

Goal 2

In 2024, women made up 44% of our workforce, a number we’re proud of but know can grow. This year, our resolution is to move closer to true gender parity by increasing the representation of women and non-binary people across all levels of our organisation.
Gender parity in the workplace isn’t just the right goal to strive for - it’s also a powerful driver of success. It enhances decision-making, sparks innovation, and ensures we reflect the diverse communities we and our clients serve.

Goal 3

This year, one of our key resolutions is to increase the disclosure rate of neurodiversity, disability, race, and socioeconomic
background amongst our candidates and staff. Disclosure plays a vital role in helping us understand and serve our people better,
ensuring that everyone feels seen, valued, and supported. With the FCA's D&I reporting requirements on the horizon, we and our
clients will be ahead of the curve, making sure transparency is a priority and that our people feel safe and confident to be their authentic selves.

Goal 4

As part of our ongoing commitment to sustainability, we're continuing to minimise travel where possible, making smarter, greener choices in how we operate. Just as in 2024, we will offset our carbon impact through our partnership with Just One Tree, planting trees to help combat climate change and restore vital ecosystems.

Goal 5

In 2024, we formed some truly impactful community partnerships, including with Women in Banking and Finance (WIBF), Eden
Chase Associates, and Neurodiversity in Business. We’re excited to build on these connections in 2025. It’s important to us that every partnership we engage in creates meaningful change. We’re committed to collaborating with integrity, ensuring that our efforts make a genuine difference in the communities we support.

Goal 6

Lastly, this year, we want to amplify the voices of our people, whose stories constantly inspire us and resonate deeply with the communities they represent. In 2025, we’ll use our platform to profile 10 of our Elevate consultants, and host 4 networking events to foster connection with our alumni.

If you’d like help setting meaningful goals, and to explore how our talent solutions can advance them, we’d love to hear from you.